12th Annual Native Hawaiian Convention to be held in September 2013–Save the Date!

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The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) is set to host the 12th Annual Native Hawaiian Convention from September 3-5, 2013 at the Hawai‘i Convention Center in Honolulu. The event is considered one of the largest gatherings of Native Hawaiian organizations, leaders, cultural practitioners, policy makers, and community members from across the state. With national and international guests, the 2012 convention achieved 700 in attendance during its week of events and forums featuring discussion on health, policy, Hawaiian Homes, philanthropy, civic engagement and more. In its 12th year, CNHA aims to continue its success of convening the voices and priorities of the Hawaiian community with the leadership found in organizations state and nation-wide.

In addition to workshops and breakout sessions on business, policy, education, and health, the convention also features the popular Marketplace and Tradeshow, which hosts Native Hawaiian practitioners, artists, crafters, and designers with local products for sale. This year, a mini-fashion show featured a few Native Hawaiian clothing designers through a “live commercial” during the policy round table sessions, and allowed convention patrons to become models for the day.

“This past convention was such a success and we think it can be attributed to our variety of workshops, roundtables, forums, and summits available to the attendees. There’s a bit of something for everyone and we hope that people come with mana‘o to share and eventually leave with new knowledge and a stronger network to assist their efforts for the Hawaiian community,” said Lilia Kapunai, CNHA Vice President. “The Hawaiian community is very active right now and together we can accomplish so much; we see the evidence of that at Convention each year.”

A favorite among attendees is the annual Maoli Art Collectors Reception featuring Native Hawaiian artists and their high-quality art work on display for purchase. The artists are available to discuss their work and hopefully encourage local and visiting businesses to invest in local art for their offices. A two-day hula workshop, as well as the Hawaiian Way Fund Benefit Native Basketball Tournament, were held as additional convention activities and attended by guests state-wide. Official dates for these events will be announced at a later time.

Should you be interested in attending or becoming a sponsor for this year’s convention, registration and sponsorship package availability will be announced later in the year. For more information on the Annual Native Hawaiian Convention, please email info@hawaiiancouncil.org.

CNHA is a national network of Native Hawaiian Organizations, providing assistance in accessing capital and technical resources, and is a policy voice on issues important to Native Hawaiian communities. Its mission is to enhance the cultural, economic, political, and community development of Native Hawaiians.  For more information about CNHA please contact us at 808.596.8155, toll-free at 1.800.709.2642, by e-mail atinfo@hawaiiancouncil.org, or at www.hawaiiancouncil.org




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