Activists Plan Ways to Undermine Firearms Ownership in Hawaii

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Rep. John Mizuno
Rep. John Mizuno

BY JAMES MACEY – I attended a meeting on Wednesday, August 8, at the Hawaii State Capital facilitated by State Rep. John Mizuno.

Rep. Mizuno called this special meeting with the Board of Gandhi International Institute for Peace, law officials and community leaders to discuss preventing violence in our community.
In attendance were about 10 community “peace and non-violence” activist. The lead activist was Raj Kumar, Ph.D., President Gandhi International Institute for Peace.
The purpose of the meeting was designed to get a core group together to start a “grassroots campaign” to convince state lawmakers and the public to enact new gun laws and restrictions and/or ban.
The meeting was a short notice meeting called because U.S. Senator Dan Inouye talked with State Rep. Mizuno on Monday and told him to start the campaign. Apparently Senator Inouye wants quick action to take advantage of current gun discussions in the press.
The activist that participated were… I’ll be blunt… scary lunatics. They were discussing how homeless were criminals, poor people were criminals and worst of all our veterans and active duty military were all psychopathic murderers and needed to be deprogrammed and reeducated. State Rep. Mizuno went right along with the activist.
It looks like we are in for a fight to keep our guns here in Hawaii but also to keep from having our homeless, poor, and veterans rounded up and sent to reeducation camps. I still can’t believe what I was hearing at this meeting. 
I was only able to stay for the first hour so I don’t know how long the meeting lasted or if they agreed on a plan of action. They did discuss meeting again on 5 September at the state capitol.




  1. I fully support your effort! I don't think regular civilians should own guns. Of course this leads to increased violence.

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