Al Cardenes, Chair of American Conservative Union, Keynotes Hawaii’s Ronald Reagan Freedom Dinner

Alberto Cardenas
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Alberto Cardenas

HONOLULU – Hawaii’s conservatives and Republicans unite this Thursday evening, 6-9 p.m., at the inaugural Ronald Reagan Freedom & Liberty Dinner hosted by the Hawaii Republican Assembly at the Pearl Country Club

The keynote speaker is Al Cardenas, Chairman of the American Conservative Union (ACU) and host of the annual CPAC conference.

Among those attending will be Republican candidates Cam Cavasso (U.S. Senate), Marissa Capelouto (U.S. Congress), State Senator Sam Slom, Rep. Bob McDermott, Rep. Colleen Meyer, and more.

The event will be emceed by Malia Zimmerman, editor of

The $75/ticket fundraiser for the Hawaii Republican Assembly’s SuperPAC, HIRA Action, in honor of what would be President Ronald Reagan’s 103rd birthday.  More than 100 are expected to attend.

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