Occupy Honolulu gets kicked to the curb
The other shoe finally drops on the gaggle of protestors who were nesting on the corner of Ward and Beretania. The persistent, yet message-challenged, occupiers had maintained their homeless-look-alike encampment for weeks before finally being given the boot by the city. The whole affair brings back memories of Al Capp’s 60’s cartoon protestors S.W.I.N.E., Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything.
Professor Fun
U.H. Professor Lawrence Boyd was caught with his pants down (metaphorically.) Hawaii Reporter investigative journalist, Jim Dooley, booked a soiree on Volcano Girls online escort service with someone who sounded exactly like Professor Boyd. He was then directed to Boyd’s apartment in Waikiki to meet his TGF (temporary girl friend), Kendra. When confronted, Boyd denied everything including whether he was currently on the planet.
You Have Mail!
Fellow blogger Ian Lind contemplates a fishy email he was sent by besieged City Councilman Tom Berg. The unhinged missive was verified to be from Berg and contained certain paranoid phrases like “I feared for my safety,” and various swipes at the police and feds over his highly publicized APEC kerfuffle. Ian, a kind soul, frets over the appropriateness of divulging “personal” correspondence, while his blog commentators either excoriate Berg or debate his mental health. The question of how to protect Berg from his detractors, however, remains dwarfed by the question of how to protect Berg from himself.
Mayor Cayetano?
Battling Ben harnessed the wrath of the anti-rail crowd for a wild ride toward Honolulu Hale. Running on a refreshingly honest platform of What He Won’t Do As Mayor, Ben has jumped into another Hawaiian three-way, like the one that, decades ago, saw him limp into Washington Place with a paltry 36% of the vote. Ben, previously derided as the king of “pay to play” malfeasance by our, now anti-rail, Republican community; is now hailed by them has the bane of government corruption. After watching his old buddy Neil Abercrombie elected governor he must have thought…“what the hell.”
Abercrombie Bowled Over
Our Governor showed up at a Pro Bowl presser with an olive branch. After last year’s “bad Neil” dumped on the Pro Bowl and offered Gay Weddings as the economic savior of the Islands, he has appeared somewhat contrite and conciliatory. With the advice of his new handlers, the kinder, gentler Neil held forth a quivering olive branch. He even made noise’s like the Pro Bowl might be a good thing after all. Pro Bowl and NFL officials, however, left town without any further commitments about staging future Pro Bowls in Honolulu.
[…] See the full article from “Hawaii Reporter” […]
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