Bill Addressing Rock Climbing on Government Land on its Way to the Full Senate Vote

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Sen. Malama Solomon

REPORT FROM THE SENATE MAJORITY – Senate Bill 1168 was passed through its final committee and will go before the full Senate for consideration next week.  If passed, the bill will go to the House for consideration.

 The bill clarifies the State Tort Liability Act, stating that no public entity or public employee will be held liable to any person for injury or damage sustained on government land while mountain climbing, rock climbing, rappelling and bouldering.

“The bill received an overwhelming amount of support, which we took into consideration while hearing the measure,” said Senator Malama Solomon, chair of the Senate Committee on Water and Land.  “This bill will release the State from being responsible for anyone’s injuries while participating in climbing activities on state land.”

The Department of Land and Natural Resources, State Attorney General, Access Fund, and supported the measure, while the Hawaii Association for Justice and numerous individuals opposed the bill.





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