Democrat Marilyn Lee seeks former District 36 House Seat

Marilyn Lee
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Marilyn Lee

Mililani, Hawaii — Former State Representative Marilyn Lee will take out nomination papers on Monday, Feb. 3, 2014, for the seat she previously held. Lee had served as a representative for Mililani Town, Mililani Mauka and Waipio Acres for 16 years.

“After 16 years of service in the State Legislature, a break has given me the opportunity to get back to the grass roots in our community. I am inspired and excited to run for the District 36 Representative seat this year,” Lee said.

Lee is proud of the many Capital Improvement projects she has brought to the community, and the many bills she has introduced and passed, especially in the area of victim rights and child safety.

Some of Lee’s accomplishments include:

·         Construction of Mililani Ike Elementary School

·         New classroom building at Mililani High School

·         A bill that makes it illegal to leave a small child alone in a parked car

Early childhood education, protection of the environment, support for local schools, and solutions for Hawaii’s elder care crisis are Lee’s top priorities for the future.

Lee is a Registered Nurse, who has lived in Mililani for 35 years.  She and her late husband, Sam, have four children: Kammy, John, Tom and Andrew, and six grandchildren.

To learn more about Marilyn, visit her web site at




  1. Sixteen years in the legislature and Hawaii has higher cost of living, harder to start and operate a business, among the worst in the nation for unfunded promises to retirees, a make-believe balanced budget that ignores the giant obligations, no sunshine on legislators like her but enforced, crazy impractical sunshine on all other public bodies, a BIG FAT RAISE for legislators finagled so they wouldn't have to vote for it…..State parks neglected….rape scandals in the youth facilities … assaults on personnel in the mental hospitals …. HEAVILY REGRESSIVE TAXES on the working poor….NO RECALL RIGHTS FOR THE VOTERS ….

    no, let's not put another kick-the-can-down-the-road, feel-good legislator in there. Do you need her to get a school in your community? I don't think so. Do you need yet another law for leaving little kids unsupervised in public, in cars or not, isn't that already child neglect?

    Stick to the course with your younger, innovative legislator. It's time for a change, not a return to the same old same old…..fine tuning manini stuff while the big problems get kicked down the road…

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