Former Gov. Linda Lingle to Speak at Milton Friedman Birthday Celebration; Trash Clean Up Planned for Bellows; Hemmings on Hawaii’s Energy Independence

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Former Gov. Linda Lingle to Speak at Milton Friedman Birthday Celebration

Former Gov. Linda Lingle will speak at a celebration of Dr. Milton Friedman’s 99th birthday set for Friday, July 29th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Japanese Cultural Center in Honolulu.

Milton Friedman was the recipient of the 1976 Nobel Prize for Economic Science; the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1988 and the National Medal of Science in 1988.

Before he passed away in 2006 at the age of 94, he and his wife created the Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation, “for the purpose of promoting parental choice of the schools their children attend.”

A prolific author, he and his wife also published their memoirs: Milton and Rose D. Friedman, Two Lucky People: Memoirs (University of Chicago Press, 1998).

The event is sponsored jointly by Smart Business Hawaii, Small Business Hawaii Entrepreneurial Education Foundation and the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii.

For more information, call 591-9193 or rsvp with Robin Tjioe at <>

National Expert Shares Tips with Lawmakers on Education Reform

Dr. Laura Goe, a national expert and researcher on teacher evaluation and education reform, will meet with Hawaii lawmakers this Thursday, July 21, at 2:30 p.m. in room 309 to discuss education reform efforts going on around the country. She also will make recommendations to improve Hawaii’s education system.

Her background detailed in her biography said “In her five years with The National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality, she has provided technical assistance to states and regional comprehensive centers and produced numerous research syntheses and policy guides. Her research at Berkeley and at ETS has focused on using both quantitative and qualitative approaches to examine school improvement, the distribution of teachers, formative assessment, and teacher evaluation.”

Sen. Jill Tokuda, chair of the Senate Committee on Education, said: “Teacher evaluation, as a means of supporting our professionals and increasing student achievement, has been a vital component of many of the educational reform discussions locally and nationally. It is our hope that we can learn from Dr. Goe and engage her in discussions as Hawaii continues to move forward in this area.”

Hawaii Reporter, Winners Camp, Council Member, Team Up for Bellows Beach Clean Up This Friday – Volunteers Welcome

Part of a wood utility poll, industrial light bulbs, fishing nets, a television, oil containers and hundreds of pieces of plastic – these are just some of the items that have washed up along the stunning shores of Bellows Beach Park in recent weeks.

In an effort to get the growing trash piles under control, Honolulu City Council Member Ikaika Anderson and his staff, Winners Camp founder Delorese Gregoire and her staff, Sen. Sam Slom and Hawaii Reporter volunteers will meet on Friday at 1 p.m. at Bellows Beach Park for a special 1 hour beach clean up.

Volunteers are welcome and needed. Call Malia Zimmerman at 306-3161 for more information.

Former State Senator Tackles Energy Independence for Hawaii

Fred Hemmings will speak to the Smart Business Hawaii group on Thursday, July 28, at the Pineapple Room, Macys’ Ala Moana. The former world champion surfer, State Senator, and now environmentally active business leader, will discuss, “True Energy Independence for Hawaii.”

His talk follows last month’s speaker, technology expert and founder of Think Tech Hawaii, Jay Fidell who spoke on wind farms.

The public is welcome, but advance reservations are required. SBH members and their guests pay $25 (in advance) for networking, the program, a complete buffet breakfast and free parking. The cost is $35 at the door if space is available. Participants all have an opportunity to introduce themselves and may bring promotional materials.

To register on line, please go to or call 396-1724.

