Grassroot Perspective Podcast: Celebrity, Steven Tyler, & the 1st Amendment

Steven Tyler Striptease on American Idol in 2012
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By Malia Hill, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii

Steven Tyler Striptease on American Idol in 2012

In this week’s Grassroot Perspective podcast, Malia Hill discusses the proposed “Steven Tyler Act” and how it operates as a restraint on free speech.  In addition, she highlights some listener responses to last week’s podcast on the soda/sweetened drink tax.


Listen below, and don’t miss the opportunity to submit questions  for next week’s discussion.  Email your questions/suggestions to, submit them via twitter, or simply add them in the comment section!  And don’t forget to follow the Grassroot Institute on Twitter @grassroothawaii.


Views expressed are intended to promote creative thought, educate, and, we hope, prompt comment. Accordingly, thoughts expressed do not necessarily reflect the official position of Grassroot Institute of Hawaii or the author.

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