Hawaii’s Entire Political Establishment Succeeds Against Ben Cayetano

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Ben Cayetano and Kirk Caldwell

BY CLIFF SLATER – Kirk Caldwell was elected Mayor of Honolulu on Tuesday, November 6, through the efforts of Hawaii’s entire political establishment.

The effort was headed by U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye, supported by Hawaii’s major corporations under the banner of Move Oahu Forward, and the unionized large construction companies and their construction union partners operating as the Pacific Resource Partnership.

It is estimated that their various supporters together with anonymous PACs may have spent $7 million in succeeding to destroy the reputation of a fine man in the minds of too many of our voters. It was enough to make the difference in the election.

When our so-called community “leaders” descend to such depths over money and power, it should not give us any confidence for our economic and environmental future.




  1. Honolulu has much higher transit ridership per capita than most other cities. It also has ocean and mountains all around hemming it in. Traffic congestion is a growing problem that hurts bus use. Aerial rail transit boosts transit use and cuts operating cost. It also boosts property values that pay city taxes to support schools and police, etc. It saves oil.
    A look across the United States over the past 25 years shows no growth in bus use at all, despite many Bus Rapid Transit LInes, but a 60 % growth in Rapid and Commuter rail and a 400 % increase in Light Rail. Mayor Caldwell sees that but Ben Cayetano does not. Rail Rapid Transit moves 280,000 annual passenger-miles per employee but buses only 120,000. Labor is transit's highest cost. Rail Transit now planned will save millions every year yet make more jobs by attracting so many more riders. It will avoid multi-million cancellation penalties.

  2. So whats the estimated cost of rail now? Must be around 7.5 billion for 15 miles.
    Since Ann Kobayashi said rail will run out of money for phase 4. Are tax payers going to drop 6 billion for 15 miles and another 2 billion to complete? How about another 6 billion to go to UH manoa. So not worth it.

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