Local Christmas Trees for Sale at Helemano Farms

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WHITMORE VILLAGE — Helemano Farms, local grower of thousands of Christmas Trees in Central Oahu, opens next week on the day after Thanksgiving 2010. The Whitmore Village farm will offer thick, evergreen Leyland Cypress Christmas trees this year along with its traditional and gorgeous Norfolk Pines. Prices for all of our Norfolk trees are the same as last year – only $40 for Norfolk Christmas Trees up to 6 feet tall.

Families who visit the farm can choose their Christmas tree from thousands of Norfolks ranging from 5 to 20 feet tall and from more than one thousand Leylands. Helemano Farms, located on Whitmore Avenue, will be open every day from noon to sunset on weekdays and from 10 a.m. to sunset on weekends. We are on the Web at:

https://www.helemanofarms.com and https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=152313482989&ref=ts

Our Leyland Cypress trees start at $60 and our locally made Christmas wreaths start at $25. Our farm workers cut, wrap and load all trees for customers free of charge. Our Norfolk trees grow back after we cut them down! And our Leyland trees have a natural, gentle pine scent. (We do not sell potted trees or ship off Oahu. Cash only please.) Helemano Farms will close for the season two days before Christmas 2010.
Special: Helemano Farms offers pre-sale Christmas tree tickets that organizations can use for fundraising. Organizations that purchase bulk tickets for fundraising may receive a discount. Please call (808) 372-7393 for details.
Submitted by Tim Ruel, Webmaster, Helemano Farms LLC

