Monkey See, Monkey Do

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Editor’s note: Eric Ryan, the author of this piece who serves as the office manager for Council Member Tom Berg, is referring to this cartoon published in Hawaii Reporter, which refers to news reports that he illegally hacked emails at Rep. Kymberly Pine’s office after a fall out with her, his former boss, and implies that the council member cannot fire him or the same may happen to him.

BY ERIC RYAN – Somebody told me the other day that the guy behind Mufi Hannemann’s infamous “Compare and Decide” political mailer — the same guy behind Mufi’s “I look like you, you look like me” speech the to Carpenter’s Union, the same guy who operates multiple anonymous political attack websites for the benefit of his patron Mufi Hannemann, the same guy who it was recently revealed by the City Prosecutor’s office and HPD and the media for using taxpayer resources on the clock at his office at City Hall to coordinate endless political attacks on me, Stop Rail Now, the Grassroot Institute, Panos Prevedouros, Ann Kobayashi, and many others who are unwilling to help enrich the rail transit consortium, the same guy who had to be outed by the media for secretly running his anonymous political attack websites, the same guy who now works as the cartoonist for the Hawaii Reporter after having sided in the past with Sam Slom and Malia Zimmerman to ensure the election of Mufi Hannemann for mayor over the late Duke Bainum, and the same guy who is SICK at the idea of Eric Ryan working as a top aide at City Hall while he cools his heels in pergatory waiting for the resurrection of his meal ticket Mufi Hannemann – had written a nasty article about yours truly.  Well, what more can I say?

Hey, Keith Rollman, I’ve got a deal for you:  You stop lying about me, and I’ll stop telling the truth about you.

After hundreds of thousands of dollars and after two years of the Democrat political machine trying to come after Eric Ryan using political hatchet men like Rollman and using prosecutorial hatchetmen like Peter Carlisle and Chris Van Marter, the Democrats still were unable to get Eric Ryan and were reduced to having to belatedly leak an unsigned report which listed the world’s lamest evidence of wrongdoing on my part and, more shockingly, outed Mr. Rollman as being guilty of waste, fraud and abuse by a public employee.

As a result of the latter, prosecutors were unable to pursue me . . . or so they say.  The reality is that I have as much ownership of Keith Rollman’s
anonymous attack websites after having posted a comment on those sites as I (or anyone else) owns the Star-Advertiser after posting a comment on that site.

Mr. Rollman’s pathetic attempt to lob a Molotov cocktail from the abyss after managing director Doug Chin (a.k.a. former Deputy Prosecutor Chin)
apologized to me on behalf of himself and Mayor Carlisle (a.k.a. former City Prosecutor Carlisle) rings as hollow as does a Mufi comeback.

Sadly, for as long as City Hall has an office with my name on it, rather than the irrelevant Mr. Rollman’s, we will probably all need to get used to
the irritating sight, sounds, and smells of a person desperately clinging to his dark vision of a race-baiting, ‘compare and decide’, ‘I look like you,
you look like me’, politics of personal destruction, very non-aloha way of looking at the world.

Brace yourself for endless attacks by someone that the Democrat machine chewed up, digested, and evacuated like yesterday’s plate lunch; someone who thought he was at the right hand of Mufi only to find himself unemployable by Mufi’s successors at City Hall when the music stopped.

The nuclear gorilla (or is it atomic monkey) wants a bigger cage because the shibai is starting to pile up.




  1. Not much I can add to that…except, of course, that you only got one thing right. I am sick of the idea of Eric Ryan working at City Hall. I’m even more upset at the idea that my property taxes are helping to pay for it.

    I would urge all residents of Council District One to take a close look at Councilman Berg and his Chief of Staff, Eric Ryan, and do the right thing during the next election (2012).

  2. Seems that it’s not only the dems, but Representative Pine as well, going after Mr. Ryan. Is the upcoming “Cybercrime Briefing” merely a pretense to provide more tools to those in power to silence the opposition?

  3. Palani, I just got back from the cypercrime briefing. It covered a variety of subjects including bank fraud, phishing attacks, solicitation of minors, identity theft and a variety of other compelling issues. Nothing about Eric Ryan or “silencing the opposition.”

  4. Thanks, that’s good to know, Keith. Of course, most repression quietly evolves from purported well-intentioned efforts to protect the innocent. Ill-conceived laws are just as likely to be abused by the enforcers as by the supposed criminals.

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