Pilot of Downed Makani Kai Plane Will Address Public

Makani Kai's Cessna Grand Caravan experienced catastrophic engine failure but the pilot was able to land the plane in the ocean about a mile off the coast of Molokai. He rescued all the passengers, but Health Department Director Loretta Fuddy died while waiting for the Coast Guard rescue.
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Makani Kai’s Cessna Grand Caravan experienced catastrophic engine failure but the pilot was able to land the plane in the ocean about a mile off the coast of Molokai. He rescued all the passengers, but Health Department Director Loretta Fuddy died while waiting for the Coast Guard rescue.

The Makani Kai pilot who safely landed a commuter plane he was operating between Molokai and Oahu after it experienced catastrophic engine failure will address the public today via live television.

Clyde Kawasaki landed the plane in the ocean about 1 mile off of Molokai and was able to get all 8 passengers safely off of the plane.

Loretta Fuddy, Director of the Department of Health, died while waiting to be rescued by the Coast Guard.

Kawasaki is being hailed as a hero.

KITV will broadcast his comments live beginning at 10 am.

Meanwhile the airline owner began salvage operations Thursday. The plane is 70 feet underwater about 500 feet from shore and will be towed to a location where it can be examined.

In a related story, so called birthers who believe President Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii continue to claim Fuddy may have been murdered as a part of a cover up related to the president’s birth certificate.

Fuddy released the president’s long form birth certificate to the president in April 2011 at his request so he could make the document public.

Yesterday, lead birther Orly Taitz requested a certified copy of Fuddy’s autopsy report from Maui County saying there could have been foul play. The report has not yet been released.

Donald Trump also entered the debate last week when he tweeted his suspicions about Fuddy’s death.




  1. I have NO idea what happened with Fuddy and the plane except what media tell us. But, we DO know that the "birth certificate" image on whitehouse.gov. is a forgery. HI document expert witness Reed Hayes, who works for Obama's own law firm, Perkins Coie, agrees, as do many others. He wrote and signed a40 page affidavit explaining why.

    • First off, the image of the White House website IS NOT a birth certificate. It is an image. It wouldn't be possible to determine if a document was a forgery based on analysis of an image. The State of Hawaii says that the birth certificate that was given to the president's attorney is authentic. That is all that matters. For people that claim that they're "constitutionalists", you seem to have forgotten about the Full Faith & Credit Clause in that very document you supposedly love.

      Second, you birthers need to leave the family and friends of Ms Fuddy alone. The behavior of Orly Taitz is despicable. All she cares about is getting her name into print. Good or bad coverage, no difference.

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