Dissing Voters? Hirono Refuses to Divulge More About Her Background, Record to Local Media; Rail Proponents a No Show on Local Radio Debate; Rally for Religious Liberty Will Be Held Saturday at the Hawaii Capitol

Randall Roth
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Dissing Voters? Hirono Refuses to Divulge More About Her Background, Record to Local Media

Congresswoman Mazie Hirono, D-HI, has been criticized by former Congressman Ed Case (D-2002-2007), her opponent in the U.S. Senate race, for refusing to debate him on statewide network television and for missing several other joint forums they were invited to attend.

Hirono dismisses Case’s claims, noting she agreed to appear at 5 joint forums and has already attended four. One of the five forums was canceled and there are no other forums scheduled before the August 11 primary.

There are several Chambers of Commerce and other business groups including Smart Business Hawaii whose invitations Hirono turned down.

But it isn’t just Case and business and community groups that Hirono is dissing.

She’s refused invitations from all major network television stations to participate in the joint forums with Case.

She’s also turned down invitations from many media outlets including Hawaii Reporter for television interviews and appearances.

Most recently as Thursday, Hirono has refused to be interviewed by Hawaii Reporter on general topics such as her background, her voting record and her personal and professional life.

She’s limited her remarks to emails from her handlers that only come on topics they initiate.

All of the other U.S. Senate candidates have been open and transparent with the record, personal history and voting record and have agreed to interviews and have been featured on Hawaii Reporter Television.

Hirono is the only high ranking public official and major candidate for office taking this position at this time. Even Hawaii’s Senior Senator Daniel Inouye responds to media inquiries and takes the time to have sit downs with local media now and then.

It is not just Ed Case and community and business groups that Hirono is refusing access to – it is everyone in Hawaii.

What do you think? Write to Malia@hawaiireporter.com with your thoughts on whether Hirono should speak to the media about her voting record and background or stay hidden behind her public relations and campaign team.

Rail Proponents a No Show on Local Radio Debate

Prominent University of Hawaii Law School Professor Randall Roth has been a frequent guest in recent weeks on KHVH News Radio’s the Rick Hamada Show. Here are the links to Roth’s comments on the city’s plan to construct a $5 billion elevated steel on steel rail project.

Roth is one of eight plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit that challenges the environmental impact of the 20 mile heavy rail project.
Roth, who according to his biography specializes in professional responsibility, trusts and estates, federal taxation, and nonprofit organizations, has served as President of the HawaiÊ»i State Bar Association, HawaiÊ»i Justice Foundation, HawaiÊ»i Institute for Continuing Legal Education, and HawaiÊ»i Estate Planning Council; and currently serves as Associate Reporter for the Restatement of the Law (Third), Trusts project. He is best known for a book he co-authored with U.S. District Judge Sam King entitled Broken Trust, which exposes corruption in Hawaii’s Bishop Estate, legislature and Judiciary.
Roth was hoping to debate a city official or a member of the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation on the merits (or lack there of) of the project, but the city was a no show.

Rick Hamada, the show’s host who also conducts regular interviews for Hawaii Reporter’s 5 Questions with Local Newsmakers segments, has gone out of his way to include both sides in the rail debate, but more often than not, the pro-rail advocates refuse the invitation to sit side by side with opponents and talk about the project.

Rally for Religious Liberty Will Be Held Saturday at the Hawaii Capitol

The Hawaii Family Forum, the Hawaii Catholic Conference and Hawaii Family Advocates will host a RALLY FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY on June 30, 2012 at the Hawaii State Capitol Grounds from 1 p.m. to  4 p.m.

Former Lt. Gov. James “Duke” Aiona will emcee the event, that also includes an extensive array of speakers, including Very Rev. Gary Secor (Vicar General from the Roman Catholic Diocese), Kahu Curt Kekuna (Kawaihao Church), Pastor Kuna Sepulveda (Word of Life Christian Center), Pastor Kelekona Bishaws (Real Life Christian Center), Dr. Russell Stewark (The Ark Christian Center),  Jerry Coffee (Hanoi Hilton Survivor), Jim Hochberg (local Alliance Defense Fund attorney), Frtiz Rohlfing (Attorney and member of the LDS, Brad Dacus (founder of the Pacific Justice Institute), and Steven H. Aden (Alliance Defense Fund, Senior Legal Counsel).

Organizers promise  fun activities for our children including free popcorn, shave ice, cotton candy and slushies.

The event is free and open to the public.

“Come and support our RALLY FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY in Hawaii.  We hope to see you there!” organizers said in an email.




  1. If Hirono wants to cut herself off from the people of Hawaii, maybe the people should grant her wish at the ballot box.

    Seriously Mazie, what are you afraid of? Case? Really?

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