Real Estate Acquisition Work Along City’s Planned Honolulu Rail Route Goes to Mainland Firm

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City's rail rendering

BY MALIA ZIMMERMAN – Honolulu City Council Member Tom Berg (District 1 -‘Ewa, Kapolei, Waianae Coast) is outraged the city administration has issued the rights to real estate acquisitions and other real estate related work along the designated rail route to a mainland firm.

An April 23, 2012 letter to Berg from Daniel Grabauskas, CEO of the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation, confirmed the deal made with the Paragon Partners Ltd,  a privately held, certified woman-owned California corporation. The company, established in 1993, claims it is “one of the leading Right of Way and Real Estate consulting firms in the nation.” See the letter here: April 23, 2012 HART Real Estate Acquisition letter

Grabauskas said the procurement was a “two-step request for proposals” and selection was based on “Best Value.”

He added: “Because portions of the work may be funded with federal assistance, the solicitations compiled with applicable Federal Transit Administration terms and conditions which prohibit the use of geographic preferences.”

Berg said this is another example of jobs going to the mainland.

“Can’t find a realtor in Hawaii? Are you kidding me?” Berg said.

“For HART to claim no one in the realtor business locally was qualified and could not meet the specs needed to advance and administer property acquisition for the rail is odd,” Berg said.

Other rail contracts have gone to mainland and European firms, which are using out of state workers, despite promises the rail would create up an average of 5,000 jobs per year in Hawaii, and as many as 17,000 in its peak year.

“This is a case where the workers on the bench are thinking rail will employ them, but they are left behind once again,” Berg said.

Hawaii Reporter requested information on the mainland real estate contract since April 11, 2012, but still has not received a response, a copy of the contract or any details.




  1. What’s new? Rail opponents have been saying this from the begining. All of our hard earned tax dollars are going to mainland contractors. Money that should be going to our infrustructure, our sewers and our roads. Business as usual.

  2. Mufi started this con job of selling this rail for Oahu, then pay haoles.
    Subce 11/2012, we read Mufi's news for Midweek since he lost. And his e-mil address: to his campaign site, still has all of his promises, poll results, and speeches are still there, as if he's still running for senate.
    An example is below;
    "It’s all come down to this: today’s Primary Election. To reach our ultimate goal, to reach our destination together, we will need your vote. Please cast your ballot, and please reach out to your children, parents, aunties and uncles, grandparents, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and everyone you know to encourage them to vote today so that we may emerge victorious tonight. We’re very grateful for everything you’ve done and we humbly ask for your vote and continued support"

    I cant believe you or your organization has ignored this intentional bait & switch tatic for 7 months. Do you check your writers sites?

    Is this ethical for your business?

  3. portions of the work may be funded with federal assistance, the solicitations compiled with applicable Federal Transit Administration terms and conditions which prohibit the use of geographic preferences.

  4. Other rail contracts have gone to mainland and European firms, which are using out of state workers, despite promises the rail would create up an average of 5,000 jobs per year in Hawaii, and as many as 17,000 in its peak year.

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