Ron Paul Hawaii Team Names ‘Small Businesses for Ron Paul’ Nationwide Coalition Members

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REPORT FROM THE RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT CAMPAIGN TEAM IN HAWAII – HONOLULU, HAWAII – The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today new members of its active “Small Businesses for Ron Paul” nationwide coalition.  New members hail from Hawaii, Honolulu, and Maui counties, all Hawaii, and pledge to promote Dr. Paul among their business associates and peers.

Pete Piper of Kailua Kona summed up Washington’s increasingly-stifling regulatory atmosphere succinctly.  He stated, “As a small business owner, I want to get government off our backs and hold them accountable for their actions and lack of action.”

Julie Noyes of Honolulu condemned what she termed the outsize growth in the federal government, its attendant spending and debt, as well as the immoral byproduct of federal bailouts for a protected few while everyday Americans foot the bill.

“As President of Harrison Systems I support Ron Paul.  He’s been speaking the same message for years – too much government spending, the shibai of bailing out banks that put themselves in their own predicament, breaking down the entitled elite who perpetuate the problem, and realizing that we can neither afford nor should be policing the world.  Basically, Ron Paul has just advocated for supporting the American people,” said Ms. Noyes.

Nion Sheppard of Lahaina wrote the campaign expressing his displeasure with federal regulators making decisions in the real economy.  He voiced his opposition to federal bureaucrats’ interference with the marketplace, a position that comports with Dr. Paul’s view that a free market is the fiercest and fairest regulator.  In addition, Mr. Sheppard cited the 12-term Congressman from Texas’ promotion of sound money over inflating the ever-weakening U.S. dollar, and the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.

“As a small business owner I support Ron Paul for his stance on keeping the government out of my business so that I can grow my company.  Let the market decide.  Also, as a firm believer in Austrian Economics, the message of sound money can only lead to further prosperity.  Lastly, I strongly support gun rights. Hawaii is not friendly to gun owners, so we don’t need more regulations from the federal level,” he said.

“Nobody but Paul!” declared Mr. Sheppard.

As a first basic step, those wanting to join the active “Small Businesses for Ron Paul” nationwide coalition should complete the Hawaii coalition sign-up form, and then visit the official national coalition web page by clicking here.




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