Savings on Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Expiring at the End of this Month

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Thinking about purchasing an electric vehicle this year? Now might be a good time as two of the incentives, the Federal EV Infrastructure tax credit and the Federal tax incentive, are expiring at the end of this month.

Until Dec. 31, 2011, through the Hawaii EV Ready Grant Program, Hawaii residents can save up to 30 percent of the charging system cost, including installation, which could add up to a $1,000 saving while businesses can save up to 30 percent of the charging system cost, including installation, up to a maximum of $30,000.

Business should also note that by the end of the year the state requires that all public, private, and government parking facilities with at least one hundred parking spaces must designate at least 1 percent of the spaces for electric vehicles and equip them with charging stations.

In an effort to support Hawaii’s commitment to clean transportation, AeroVironment (AV) has partnered with the state and is offering savings on the charging stations.

“We are working with local businesses and the state government to spread EV infrastructure throughout the Aloha state,” said Kristen Helsel, AeroVironment’s VP of EV Solutions. “AeroVironment’s systems – everything from our intuitive chargers to our customized services – are designed to make EVs practical in the real world.   Soon we’ll be seeing Hawaiian drivers regularly refueling their cars with electrons at the mall, at work, and other convenient locations, instead of being tethered to a gas station.”

Other incentives expire at the end of January or until funds are exhausted.


Hawaii EV Ready Rebate

Expires Jan. 31 or until funds are exhausted – 500 maximum up to 30 percent toward the purchase of qualifying EV charging station and installation.

Expires Jan. 31 or until funds are exhausted – $4,500 maximum up to 20 percent toward the purchase of a qualifying EV.

Federal tax credits

Expires Dec. 31 – $1,000 maximum up to 30 percent toward the purchase of qualifying EV charging equipment.

Expires when funds are exhausted – $7,500 maximum toward the purchase of a qualifying EV.


Hawaii EV Ready Rebate

Expires Jan.31 or until funds are exhausted – $4,500 maximum, up to 20 percent toward the purchase of qualifying EV.

Expires Jan.31 or until funds are exhausted – $500 maximum, up to 30 percent toward the purchase of EV charging station and installation.

Hawaii EV Ready Grant

Expires March 31- Credit toward the purchase of publicly accessible qualifying EV charging equipment.

Federal EV infrastructure tax credit

Expires Dec.31 – $30,000 maximum, up to 30 percent toward the purchase of EV charging station and installation.




  1. shishhhhhhh I am glad I drive a gas guzler… Just think if had bought a obamavolt I would be up s*it creek without a plug in… BUT WAIT!!!!
    I am gonna vote for obama in 2012!!!
    I think obama is the best thing for America in recent history… WONDERFUL!!! 4 more years and this country will be purged of a corrupt congress and senate because the people are gonna purge every politician out by civil war…. There will be unrest like never seen in America. Because now Americans believe that good is bad and bad is good. Once this country goes even further to hell in a hand basket there will be a purging… When Americans can’t say “Merry Christmas” because good is bad and once they can’t store more than seven days worth of food because good is bad and once they can’t own a gun because good is bad….. There will be a purging of the bad by the good!!!!! So lets pull together and re-elect this person…. OBAMA2012!!!!! Come on people… Keep America green with obamavolts…. what ever it takes… Just keep him another 4 years!!! Please!

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