Significance of Preserving ‘Great Lawn’ in Hawaii Kai

Hawaii Kai
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Hawaii Kai Hui is happy to announce the latest tool on our quest to educate the broader public about the possible development of the last open space in the opening of Maunalua. This land has been called “The Great Lawn” and also Kuapa.  Hawaiians knew it as Keahupua O Maunalua.

If you are on Facebook please go to and “like” our page.

We will be sharing history, facts, information, updates, photos, petitions and much more. Pluswe welcome you to share your photos and stories about our beautiful Maunalua Bay area.  Please feel free to share this with those on your email and Facebook lists.

We have discovered there are residents in the East Honolulu area that are not aware of this issue. The more we talk with those in the community the more we see opposition of another development on a commercial scale.

We will be at the 9th annual Hawaii Kai Dog Park dog walk this Sunday, 6/2 at 7:30a.m.  Please come by and learn more about this special piece of Open Land and how you can get involved.

We are thankful that our elected officials (from this and neighboring areas) equally support the Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board‘s position which opposes building a new development on the preservation land across from Maunalua Bay.  This position clearly reflects good planning principals as documented in our East Honolulu Sustainable Plan.

Submitted by Livable Hawaii Kai Hui




  1. I hope for no development on this last piece of open land on Oah'u. Oah'u, where I was raised, has become so overdeveloped that it looks nothing like the land I grew up in.
    I learned that there are other retail spaces that are unoccupied in the area and these are sites where Safeway and others can expand. There is a real benefit in using existing buildings in that unoccupied structures will be maintained verses becoming a blight to the community and there will be no need for development of precious remaining open space on Oah'u which has become rare.

  2. Never give up hope Halsey. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

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