VoteVets Endorses Mark Takai for Congress

Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth Endorses Rep, Mark Takai
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Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth Endorses Rep, Mark Takai

HONOLULU – VoteVets, a powerful national veterans advocacy group with more than 360,000 supporters, officially endorsed Mark Takai’s campaign for Congress in Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District. VoteVets played a pivotal role in helping to elect Hawaii’s 2nd Congressional District Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard in 2012.

VoteVets issued a press release today praising Takai’s service:

“From Kuwait  to the State House, Mark has always been there for those who served in uniform,” said Greg White, Hawaii State Chair for “But, his record is so much more than that.  His dedication to Hawaii, and his constituents, has been boundless.  From seniors to children, and all of the working men and women in between, Mark has been there.  He’ll carry that dedication to Congress, and make us all very proud.”

Mark Takai, who has also recently received the backing of Iraq War hero and Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, said he is “honored to earn the support of VoteVets,” which counts retired General and former presidential candidate Wesley Clark as a Board Member.

“VoteVets was certainly an important contributing factor in Tulsi’s decisive victory,” said Maj Gen (Ret) Ed Richardson, one of the co-chairmen of the Veterans for Takai, an impressive group of veterans who support Takai because of his long-standing commitment to the military and veterans in Hawaii.

“This current Congress has the fewest number of veterans serving in it since World War II.  Perhaps that’s why they passed the Ryan Budget that included outrageous cuts to critical veterans programs.  Additionally, the mindless sequestration cuts to our military bases threaten both Hawaii’s military-dependent economy and our overall military readiness,” Takai said.

“I’m honored to have the support of VoteVets and I promise to be a bipartisan voice to protect those who served and sacrificed for America,” added Takai, who as an “Emerging Leader” was also endorsed by VoteVets in 2012 while running for re-election to the Hawaii State House.

Takai was recently promoted to Lt. Colonel in the Hawaii Army National Guard and was deployed to the Middle East in 2009 as a part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has served for more than 19 years in the Hawaii State House, where he has been a champion for veterans, creating the Hawaii Medal of Honor and programs that combat veteran homelessness. He helped create the Veterans Court to connect veterans in need with the social services and medical care they need.

K. Mark Takai is a member of the Hawaii Army National Guard. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not express or imply endorsement by the Hawaii Army National Guard, the Department of the Army, or the Department of Defense.




  1. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are very closeallies and friends.they share a border,language,culture and both have disgustingly corrupt monarchy dictatorship and both have been accused of dealing in slavery. and now more evidence that theSaudi government was deeply involved with 9/11.they actually housed and funded the people that attacked WTC and Pentagon.both George W and Obama are covering up their involvement.and when Obama went to Saudi Arabia,he kissed the king's ring.and Takai was deployed to the middle east but only did a 6 month tour in sunny Kuwait heroically propping up Kuwait and Saudi regimes.

  2. Please Be Aware! Wounded Warrior Project is a scam! according to Veterans Today, a military and foreign affairs journal, for example, the top ten employees of WWP get $150,000 to $300,000.and they are outsourcing the fundraising,etc. Please go to

  3. if we really want to support our vets,maybe we need some ordinary people running for office rather than college educated graduates or lawyers.

  4. there is an Arab Spring starting up in Kuwait.This is the corrupt monarchy that Mark Takai was stationed in.He and his unit provided protedtion for that country. And now we are finding out the opposition party leaders are being arrested for accusing government leaders of massive money laundering and ruling family of stealing billions of dollars.tear gas and mass arrest against thousands of protesters. The Government of Kuwait and the US government are allies,friendly ties.

  5. Let's stop supporting any alliance with Kuwait,saudi Arabia, Bahrhain,Qatar,Israel,Egypt,and Pakistan. Get our military out of these countries.

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