Wharton Wishes Willoughby Success in 2010 General Election

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BY RAMSAY WHARTON — Mahalo nui loa to all of you who supported me during my Congressional campaign to represent the people of Hawaii’s District 2. I’ve enjoyed meeting some of the most wonderful and beautiful people in Hawaii and have made new friends and reconnected with old ones. You have made this one of the most amazing, gratifying experiences of my life.

We lost by a slim 212 votes in an exciting 2010 Primary Election, and I am renewed in my efforts to share with voters that truly, every vote counts and you can make a difference. I also appreciate the concern from supporters for due diligence in the election process with their inquiries regarding a recount in our race due to a less than 1% spread.  I have been informed that Hawaii law differs from some other states and does not have an automatic recount law in place for such close results or polling place problems.  In addition, there are also big hurdles in the legal process in order to achieve a recount in a timely fashion.  I would encourage state lawmakers to once again, consider changing elections laws to address an “automatic recount” in such close elections wherein additional polling place problems occur.  This would encourage confidence in our electorate and faith in the election system.

So, on that note, I accept the results of Saturday’s election as we all move forward to support our Republican nominee, John Willoughby. I offer my congratulations to Mr. Willoughby and his campaign and supporters and wish him the very best in his efforts to unseat Mazie Hirono in November.

Finally, as it pertains to my political future, I will continue to participate in the political process and support Republican candidates. I will also work to reach out to our friends and neighbors and encourage them to learn more about the GOP values of Liberty, Limited Government, Individual Responsibility, Fiscal Accountability and Equality of Opportunity.  In this critical election, the battle is being waged over the economy and how best to fix it and it comes down to two differing philosophies. On the left, are those who believe in the failed Keynesian policies of big government, higher taxes, stimulus and bailouts and a belief government will rescue and save us. On the right, are those, like myself, who believe in Supply Side economics and that “we the people” are our best assets. Only by reducing the size of government, improving its efficiency, and supporting private sector growth thru tax cuts, reduced spending, and the removal of barriers and unnecessary regulations that thwart business investment and discourage consumer confidence and spending can we then get our economy growing again. I believe, as Ronald Reagan did, that ‘government  is not the solution to our problems, government IS the problem’ and only by bringing it back into balance with the American people can we then build the kind of strong America where jobs are plenty and the American Dream can be achieved.

Mahalo Nui Loa again to all of my supporters and I look forward to working more closely with you in the next two years. Here’s to a successful November that brings balance and accountability back to Hawaii and Washington, D.C.

Ramsay Wharton was a candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, District 2, Hawaii




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