What’s Ahead for Hawaii in 2013: Business | Politics | Money

IS IT A CRIME? Former Gov. Ben Cayetano convinced campaign spending commissioners to refer his complaint against a super PAC that targeted him during the 2012 election to the prosecutor for further criminal action
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Ben Cayetano

Former Gov. Ben Cayetano will keynote the Smart Business Hawaii annual investment conference on Wednesday, January 9, at the Ala Moana Hotel, where he will discuss what impact Sen. Daniel Inouye’s death will have on Hawaii’s economy and politics.

Other speakers include

  • FBI Special Agent Tom Simon who will talk about protecting your business from embezzlement; 
  • Hawaii Tourism Authority’s Mike McCartney who will explore why the tourism segment of Hawaii is booming;
  • Roy Yamaguchi of Roy’s Restaurants who will reveal how he created one of Hawaii’s most popular restaurant chains;
  • Kitty Lagareta of Communications Pacific will share her secrets for business and marketing success.
  • Sen. Sam Slom will address the upcoming legislature’s impact on business.
  • And one of the panelists sure to be most entertaining: Bob Sigall, Author of “The Companies We Keep” will present the best of Hawaii’s business stories.

The Conference will be held in the Ala Moana Hotel, Garden Lanai and Hibiscus Ballroom, from 8 am to 1:30 pm.

The SBH Conference, the first major business event of each New Year, is open to the public. Advance reservations are required. Program, luncheon and parking are included in the $75 ticket price.

The event is sponsored by McDonald’s Restaurants of HawaiiThe SystemCenterPhoenix Pacific Inc.,Aston Hotels & ResortsClear Channel Hawaii,Winners’ Camp and Hawaii Leadership Academy,Scotty AndersonUp and Running Computers, Valenti Print GroupJS Services, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, UBS Financial Services, Aloha Petroleum, Kai VodkaHMAA and Hawaii Reporter.

Those interested in attending may call Smart Business Hawaii at 396-1724, email sbh@lava.net or log onto Smartbusinesshawaii.com to reserve a seat for next Wednesday.


8 am
Welcoming Remarks
Sam Slom, SBH President

9 am
Outlook for Hawaii’s Visitor Industry-2013″
Mike McCartney, CEO, Hawaii Tourism Authority

10 a.m.
“Strategies for Hawaii’s Business Success-2013 ” (Panel)

    • Kitty Lagareta, Communications Pacific
    • Roy Yamaguchi, Roy’s Restaurants
    • Geal Talbert, UBS Financial, Moderator

10:30 am
“Lessons from Hawaii’s Most Successful Companies”
Bob Sigall, Author, “The Companies We Keep”

11 am
“The Enemy Within: Protecting Your Business from Embezzlement”
Tom Simon, Special Agent, Honolulu FBI

12 noon
Luncheon and Program
Hibiscus Ballroom I & II

“Politics in the Post-Inouye Era”

Benjamin J. Cayetano, Former Governor, State of Hawaii

