51,000 Gallons of Raw Sewage Spill Into Kawa Stream After Severe Weather Hits Oahu’s Windward Coast

Kaneohe Wastewater Treatment facility
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Kaneohe Wastewater Treatment facility

REPORT FROM CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU – KANEOHE, HAWAII – As a result of severe weather conditions that occurred over the past 24 hours on the Windward side of Oahu, the City’s Department of Environmental Services responded early this morning to a sanitary sewer overflow at its Kaneohe Wastewater Pre-Treatment Facility.

ENV estimates the spill began at approximately 5:30 a.m. and secured the site at 8:20 a.m.  The wet weather flows surcharged two adjacent manholes located inside the facility and sent an estimated 51,000 gallons of combined storm water and raw wastewater into Kawa Stream.

The state Department of Health was notified, which also issued a Brown Water Advisory for the entire island of Oahu.

ENV is posting signs along the shoreline and Kaneohe Beach Park, while water sampling will take place once the storm event ends.




  1. But we can spend BILLIONS on a choo choo toy, while not taking care of our poo poo. Sure that makes a bunch of sense when the State has paid millions in back EPA fines under the State DOT fines. Guess we have not learned anything with that one. We just keep racking up EPA fines, and it all seems tied to transportation somehow- in some way shape or form, whether dollars ill-spent on bad BIG DIGS when so much needs to be taken care of elsewhere for infrastructure needs, or Transportation EPA egregiousness and outright EPA breaches! Do it once, its your kuleana, do it twice, my kuleana for letting you do it again. Pull the plug on the choo choo and stop all of this nonsense!!

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