96819: Kokua for Kalihi Kitties

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Jacque LeBlanc, Community Relations Director

Cat Friends and Hawaiian Humane Society have teamed up to help community cats.

Our goal is to perform 1,000 free feral feline sterilizations to cats residing in zipcode 96819. And that includes several neighborhoods outside of Kalihi including Mapunapuna, Sand Island and parts of Moanalua. All sterilizations will be performed at Cat Friends clinic on School Street throughout 2013. Upcoming surgery dates are April 21, April 28 and May 26.

Community cats are free roaming, feral or abandoned felines that share our neighborhoods and need our care. Every cat deserves a lap and those that don’t need our help.

Visit HawaiianHumane.org to borrow a humane trap and learn more about Trap, Neuter, Return and Manage.

Please help spread the word about this wonderful opportunity to help cats in your neighborhood.


Jacque LeBlanc is the Community Relations Director for the Hawaiian Humane Society

