Confirmed: National Republicans Ran Djou’s Campaign

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The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee issued this statement after Hawaii GOP’s Charles Djou won the Congressional District Special election on Saturday, May 21

For weeks, Charles Djou sanctimoniously decried the involvement of Mainland groups in the Hawaii special election.  And Djou attempted to distance himself from national Republicans – even while hosting their winter confab in his city council district, traveling to Washington, D.C., to meet with them, and taking tens of thousands of dollars from them to run his campaign.

And now, despite all of Djou’s rhetoric, it’s clear that national Republicans were organizing and coordinating the Djou campaign from Washington, D.C.

“Charles Djou pulled the wool over Hawaii voters’ eyes in shunning Mainland involvement and national Republican attention while Mainland Republicans in Washington, D.C., were actually coordinating his campaign strategy and activities,” said Andy Stone, Western Regional Press Secretary for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.  “The hypocrisy of Djou’s claims is outrageous – and people in Hawaii deserve better.”


  • The National Republican Congressional Committee led daily calls to coordinate the Djou campaign’s message. [POLITICO, 5/24/10]
  • NRCC and RNC officials coordinated GOP voter identification and mobilization drives that had never before been conducted in Hawaii. [POLITICO, 5/24/10]
  • The RNC housed a get out the vote call center from its Washington, D.C., headquarters. [POLITICO, 5/24/10]




  1. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee really has a few screws loose. They almost single-handily handed the victory to Djou, with their negative campaigning, beltway mentality, and proven lies. Keep on going boys and girls and Charles will take another victory in November. What fools! LOL

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