Board Accepting Superintendent Applications, Inviting Public Feedback

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Hawaii State Board of Education
P.O. Box 2360
Honolulu, HI 96804
Phone: (808) 586-3349
Fax: (808) 586-3433
Date: 7/9/2010

HONOLULU — The Hawaii State Board of Education today began accepting applications for the State Superintendent of Education position. The Board is also welcoming the public to complete a Superintendent Profile Survey on its new website.To facilitate the application process, the Board has launched a website,, and created a “Superintendent Search” page. The website provides information on how to apply, job description, important links, a search timeline and updates.Applicants for the superintendent position should e-mail a cover letter, resume, and an application form that is available on the website to by Monday, August 9, 2010, midnight, Hawaii Standard Time.


No applications will be accepted through regular mail or past the due date. Advertisements for Hawaii’s superintendent will appear soon in daily and weekly newspapers throughout the state, as well as in national publications.

“The Board invites all interested candidates to apply,” said Board of Education Chairman Garrett Toguchi. “The new superintendent will be leading our school system through a challenging yet exciting period as we continue to feel the impacts of budget cuts and prepare to implement promising reforms such as common core standards.”

The Board will gather public input during focus groups that will be scheduled later this month and in August, as well as through a Superintendent Profile Survey posted on the website and available on this link: People will be able to fill out the online survey, which should take no more than 15 minutes, until July 31, 2010. Individual answers will be kept confidential. Survey results will be publicized at a later date.

“As the leader of Hawaii’s public schools, the superintendent is responsible for an organization that touches the lives of thousands of children and families and has a direct impact on the state’s social and economic health,” Toguchi said. “We encourage everyone to fill out this simple survey and share with the Board the qualities they want in a new superintendent. The community’s input will help ensure the Board selects the right superintendent for Hawaii.”

The Board expects to conduct interviews with potential candidates in September and hire a superintendent by mid-October.

The Board’s search for a superintendent follows the December 31, 2009, retirement of former Superintendent Patricia Hamamoto. On January 11, 2010, the Board appointed Kathryn Matayoshi, a former deputy superintendent, to serve as interim superintendent while a search is conducted.

Hawaii’s superintendent has responsibility over the nation’s tenth largest public school system and the nation’s only statewide district. Funded by a $1.7 billion budget, the Hawaii State Department of Education has some 22,000 full-time employees, including 13,000 teachers serving approximately 171,000 students. It comprises 257 schools located in 15 complex areas on seven islands.

Alex Da Silva
Public Affairs Officer
Hawaii Board of Education
1390 Miller St., Room 405
Honolulu HI 96813
Phone: (808) 586-3536
Fax: (808) 586-3433


