Vision of a Kailua Representative

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”’*Editor’s note: The Grassroot Institute of Hawaii requested that all lawmakers write down their vision for Hawaii over the next 20 years. Here is the vision submitted by Rep. David Pendleton, R-Kailua.”’

The vision I have of Hawaii 20 years from now is one of hope. I see a streamlines and more efficient state government, one which recognizes that we cannot create a prosperous and free society by increased taxation, legislation, regulation or litigation.

I see a state government which facilitates job creation in the private sector by creating an environment where entrepreneurship and investment is rewarded, small businesses are seen not as piggy banks to be raided by legislators, families are honored and valued, and our schools and parks are not only safe but places where the human spirit thrives and excellence is showcased.

I see a state where we have found the optimal balance between economic growth, change, and protecting our environment, recognizing the link between safeguarding Hawaii’s natural beauty and effectively drawing visitors for return vacations to our sultry shores.

I see a place where our ethnic and cultural diversity is not only celebrated and valued but used to our advantage to posture our state for the future. We will be a place which Asian countries see as the front door when they want to do business with the West.

I see a place where we leverage our location, culture, beauty, and talents to create the place our keiki deserve to live in 2023.

”’ reports the real news, and prints all editorials submitted, even if they do not represent the viewpoint of the editors, as long as they are written clearly. Send editorials to”’

