City Councilmember Stanley Chang Introduces Measure to Restrict Smoking at Certain Beach Parks

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REPORT FROM COUNCIL MEMBER STANLEY CHANG’S OFFICE — City Councilmember Stanley Chang recently introduced Bill 72 (2012), which would prohibit smoking at beaches and parks in Waikiki, Ala Moana and Sandy Beach Park.Current City ordinances restrict smoking at the Honolulu Zoo, Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve,Koko Crater Botanical Garden and the Waikiki Shell, except as otherwise permitted in certain designated areas.


“In addition to the health risks to smokers and risks caused by second hand smoke, cigarette butts are still the number one cause of litter in our city and at our beaches,” said Councilmember Stanley Chang. “I introduced this measure to keep our beaches clean and ensure that our visitors and residents are able to enjoy their beach-going experience.”


All the beaches and parks named in Bill 72 (2012) reside in Councilmember Chang’s district and include:


  • Duke Paoa Kahanamoku Beach Park
  • Kapiolani Beach Park
  • Kapiolani Park Beach Center
  • Kapiolani Park
  • Kuhio Beach Park
  • Sandy Beach Park
  • And the sand areas at Ala Moana Regional Park


Earlier this year, the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii conducted a poll on Oahu asking residents their opinion on the matter.


“According to our survey, there is overwhelming support with 73% percent of respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing that our beaches should be smoke-free,” said Jessica Yamauchi, Executive Director of the Coalition. “In 2008, Hawaii County passed an ordinance prohibiting smoking at all County beaches and parks and there continues to be strong support for this law.”


Bill 72 will be introduced for first reading on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, at 10:00 am at the meeting of the full Council on the third floor of Honolulu Hale. Comments and testimony on the Bill are welcome.


The Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii is the only independent organization in Hawai‘i whose sole mission is to reduce tobacco use through education, policy and advocacy. The organization is a nonprofit organization of more than 3,000 organizations and members working to create a healthy Hawai‘i through comprehensive tobacco prevention and control efforts.




  1. as much as we don't need new laws and restrictions…this one is needed. i cannot tell you how many times i've had to remind a smoker to take their pile of butts with them after they smoke a few on the beach. or how many times i have to tell a smoker that tossing their butts any old place is rude. next time you pull up to a freeway ramp exit have a look at the gutter area…it will be LOUSY WITH CIGS! nationwide they are the number one item in both number and pounds on beach cleanup days…smokers are pigs and have brought this one down on themselves.

    • As a recent Visitor to Hawaii I would strongly agree. The beaches were breath taking. I would like to see tabacco and smoking banned period. Speaking with the point of view of someone with health problems, smokers don't realize how much their right to smoke bothers non smokers. Your trade winds were wonderful except when I was down wind of a smoker

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