Not the End of Rail Debate! | Federal Hearing December 12 | Steel Arrives on Island (2 years early)

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City’s rail rendering

BY BOBBIE SLATER – If you saw the recent wonderful movie, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, then you may remember the principal character’s often repeated remark in the face of difficulties was,“Everything will be alright in the end. If it is not alright, then it’s not the end.”

So, the main thing, despite Mayoral Candidate Ben Cayetano’s defeat by PRP, is that it is not the end.

Just before the election, Judge Wallace Tashima ruled against the City and FTA on three counts.

We must remind you that if you are accused of murder on 23 counts and are convicted of “only” three, you hang just as high.

He asked us, and the city, to provide him with briefs on our suggestions for remedies to be filed on November 20. Next, Judge Tashima set a hearing on December 12 in Honolulu to discuss an injunction.

The Federal lawsuit continues through the December 12 hearing. Mark your calendars as you can attend at 10 AM in the Federal building.

Then there will be an appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals by whichever side loses. Whether we win or lose on December 12, the appeal after that will cost us the legal fees.

The most current news: On Tuesday, November 13th, the city started receiving $77 million of steel rails, which will not be needed for at least two more years. They were patting themselves on the back for locking in a “good price.” However, today’s prices are lower than when they ordered it.

The coverage given us on Tuesday regarding the arrival of the steel rails was very positive. Click here for the excellent coverage by both KHON and  Hawaii News Now.

On TV, Cliff Slater of remarked that buying the rails years before they are needed solely because the City wanted to lock in today’s prices, was absurd; they could have done that by buying steel futures. Instead, they spent $77 million plus the cost of shipping it, and they may well incur the costs of shipping it back when the courts rule in our favor.

The Breaking News on Wednesday was that there has been a “overwhelming” find of iwi kapuna in Kaka’ako.

Stay tuned for more information on this most important issue. Thank you for all of you help, concern and best wishes. Please keep your friends who may not be on our list informed, or better yet, send us their names and emails.





  1. Thanks for the report, Bobbie. All of this just makes me sick. Everyone should be outraged that they are doing this with our money, or am I the only one?

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