Honolulu City Auditor: Announcing the 2010 Honolulu Citizen Survey

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The Office of the City Auditor is inaugurating the first annual 2010 Honolulu Citizen Survey.

Within the next several weeks, questionnaires will be sent to 1,200 randomly selected households throughout O‘ahu.

The questionnaires will ask for feedback on the quality, value and usefulness of city services.  Responses from this survey will provide elected officials and the public with detailed feedback about resident satisfaction with services the City provides, what is working well and what is not; and citizen priorities for community planning and resource allocation.

The National Citizen Survey™ is sponsored by the International City/County Management Association in cooperation with the National Research Center, Inc.  The questionnaire and survey procedures have been designed and developed based on the experience of scores of local governments ranging in size from small to large.  Scientific sampling and weighting of the responses will ensure accurate and reliable results.

Since 2001, over 250 municipalities and jurisdictions in 44 states have participated in the survey.

The results will be incorporated into the National Citizen Survey’s™ extensive database, which will enable comparisons between Honolulu’s services and similar services provided by other jurisdictions in the nation.  This will also allow the City and County of Honolulu to benchmark its services, efforts and accomplishments and to determine if “good” is good enough.

According to City Auditor Edwin Young, “We are initiating the 2010 Honolulu Citizen Survey this fall so that the final results will provide timely information to the new administration and city council members as they begin their terms in office.  The results will be widely accessible to the public and will serve as an independent, statistically valid benchmark for O‘ahu residents’ opinions.”

Survey respondents will remain anonymous and the National Research Center will report the results in group form to ensure anonymity.  Broad participation by as many of the randomly selected households is very important.  To encourage maximum participation, people can choose to complete the paper survey they receive in the mail or complete the survey on-line.

Survey materials will be mailed to the random sample of households from September 27, 2010 to October 11, 2010.  Three mailings will occur.  The mailing dates for the 2010 Honolulu Citizen Survey are:

  • September 27, 2010
Postcard notifying participants that they have been selected to participate in the 2010 Honolulu Citizen Survey.
  • October 4, 2010
Transmittal letter and a paper copy of the City and County of Honolulu 2010 Citizen Survey.
  • October 11, 2010
Follow-up letter and a copy of the City and County of Honolulu 2010 Citizen Survey.

Sample images of the official 2010 Honolulu Citizen Survey can be found on the City Auditor’s website:  www.honolulu.gov/council/auditor.

There is great diversity among O‘ahu’s communities and we encourage all participants to share their perspectives on city services and their priorities for the future.


Submitted by Susan Hall, Deputy City Auditor

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