Liberal Group Using MLK Holiday To Promote Election Reform

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WASHINGTON (Talon News) — A liberal political action group is using the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday to promote their electoral reform agenda. In a message to supporters on Sunday, Americans Coming Together (ACT) depicted black voters standing in line to vote in Alabama in 1966 and in Ohio in 2004.

“There are so many powerful images from our country’s long struggle for racial and economic equality,” remarked ACT CEO Steve Rosenthal in the e-mail. “Every history book has the same black and white pictures — from places like Alabama, Arkansas, and Tennessee.”

Rosenthal commented that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday is the perfect time to talk about the need for electoral reform that is needed.

“In honor of Dr. King and the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, please sign your name to our demand for electoral reform nationwide,” Rosenthal insisted, urging his members to send the black and white pictures of black voters waiting in line to “everyone you know.”

“We’re just beginning to understand the impact of the aggressive campaign of misinformation, repression and intimidation that was unleashed by corrupt Republican officials and partisans in 2004,” Rosenthal accused, citing several examples.

Rosenthal said voter suppression tactics in 2004 that he attributes to Republicans demands that “a much longer fight must continue on the streets and in the precincts where too many voices went unheard.”

Vowing to “oppose and defeat any corrupt federal, state, and local official who blocks common sense efforts to ensure fairer voting in future elections,” Rosenthal said ACT will “demand change today.”

“We will not win by sending emails and airing television commercials,” Rosenthal noted. “We will only win by building strong organizations on the ground from coast-to-coast. This is what ACT is doing in 2005.”

ACT will be holding several town hall meetings in several major cities, including Columbus, Ohio, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and St. Louis on dates to be determined to discuss plans for bringing about electoral reform.


