Dividing Population Into Two Groups Isn’t Justice

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It seems that each week ”’The Honolulu Advertiser”’ carries a big
article written by an attorney employed by or
associated with the Hawaiian activists or by a member
of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs whose salary is
dependent on continuing the pursuit of the Akaka bill.
The Sunday commentaries by Beadie Dawson and Bill
Meheula, both attorneys dependent on the Hawaiian
victims movement, are cases in point.

After rewriting Hawaiian history to their particular
slant, the authors make the plea that “justice” be
given to the Hawaiians for what they suffered and
continue to suffer. The “justice” is always the same:
Give us our ceded lands back, give us our exclusive
programs, give us our own nation so we can make our
own laws.

How is this justice? The ceded lands that we all enjoy
today never belonged to the Native Hawaiians; they
belonged to the monarchy, the government of Hawaii,
which included members of all races and ancestries who
were citizens of the kingdom. When that government
changed from the monarchy to a republic to a territory
and eventually to a state, the lands continued to
belong to all people, not just those of native blood.

The movement to receive federal recognition through
the Akaka bill is simply a money grab to take back the
ceded lands from all the people of the state for the
exclusive benefit of those with the correct blood
quantum and ancestry. Along with the ceded lands come
the ceded land revenues, about $40 million per year,
that would quickly rise as state buildings long ago
built on ceded lands are then taxed by the new
Hawaiian nation. The money would come from all other
programs that help people of all races.

Over $1 billion has come out of the state treasury to
pay for settlements to the Hawaiian Home Lands and
OHA, not including annual appropriations for other
programs serving only Hawaiians.

If it is indeed justice that is wanted and not just
money, why has there never been a discrimination
lawsuit filed? Dividing our great ethnic blend into
two groups, those with the correct blood and those
without, would not be justice for anyone.

”’Bud Ebel is a resident of Makaha on Oahu.”’

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