Political Tittle-tattle: News and Entertainment from Hawaii’s Political Arena – Jan. 27, 2005-28 Hawaii-based Soldiers Killed in Worst Accident Since 1968; Hawaii’s U.S. Senators Split on Vote for Secretary of State; Chief Justice Addresses Legislature, Governor; Mayor Says No Future for Visioning Team; Senate Majority Package – MIA; Governor Proposing Cure for Long-Term Care Costs; Federal Government Issues $5.6 Million Grant for Homeless in Hawaii; Kauai.gov Now Official

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”28 Hawaii-based Soldiers Killed in Worst Accident Since 1968”

Hawaii residents are mourning the loss of 31 soldiers, 28 based in Hawaii, who died in a helicopter crash Wed., Jan. 26, 2005, in Iraq — reportedly the worst such military crash since 1968. A sandstorm, which are severe this time of year, may be the cause, although the crash is still under investigation.

Gov. Linda Lingle, Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann and Hawaii’s congressional leaders offered their formal condolences to the families of the 31 marines and sailor who were on board.

Lingle says:

