Teacher Delegates from Across the Nation, Including Hawaii, Attend 5 Days of Mind-Numbing Events at NEA Convention-Shoots from the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii – July 8, 2005

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”’Part 1 of a series.”’

“Laura Brown New Image”

The National Education Association (NEA) hosted 5 days of mind-numbing sessions for nearly 8,000 labor union teacher delegates and education support personnel from all 50 states — including Hawaii — during its convention in Los Angeles this week.

Chants of “union, union, union,” not “learning, learning, learning,” echoed throughout the convention center at the July 2 to July 6 convention. But the main purpose of the gathering appeared to be to “pass the hat” to milk delegates in order to build NEA political action funds.

President of the NEA Democratic Caucus, Mary Artuso, thanked delegates for giving “their time and fortune to be at NEA.” Judging by the number of delegates sporting large ribbons announcing their individual contributions, the crowd appeared cooperative, giving and helping to raise $1.3 million for the NEA Fund for Children and Public Education, a political action fund used solely to influence the election of individuals to political office who agree with the NEA

