Washington Post: Inouye Sympathizes with His Immigrant Building Manager About to Be Deported

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BY SHANKAR VEDANTAM – For 15 years, Marco Antonio Rua fixed toilets, replaced broken pipes and answered desperate midnight calls from residents of the Wisconsin, a 204-unit condominium in North Bethesda.

Now the residents have gone to work for him.

In September, immigration authorities ordered Rua and his 17-year-old daughter to leave the United States after his family’s petition for permanent residency was turned down. Rua marked his last day of work at the Wisconsin on Tuesday.


The news of Rua’s impending deportation shocked those at the condominium, whose well-connected residents include a U.S. senator, Hawaii’s Daniel Inouye. In recent weeks, residents have lobbied Congress and the Department of Homeland Security, asking them to let Rua and his family remain in the country.

See the full story here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/16/AR2010111606975.html


