Increase in Recent Health Inspect Scams Targeting Asian Restaurants

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HONOLULU, HAWAII – Today the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) has received more than a dozen calls from Asian restaurants reporting “fake” health inspectors, who may be trying illegally to obtain sensitive information about restaurant employers or employees. Similar scams have occurred on the mainland in an effort to obtain sensitive information about employers/employees.  Restaurants are urged to ask for proper identification, and call the DOH if they have any doubts.

The DOH typically does not call a food establishment prior to a routine inspection or when investigating a complaint, and DOH health inspectors must always wear or display their DOH issued identification before entering an establishment. Food establishments should make sure that anyone claiming to be a health inspector has proper DOH identification. Only DOH sanitarians and food and drug inspectors enter food establishments to investigate health-related complaints or to make routine inspections. If you have any questions regarding the identification of a sanitarian (health inspector) please call the Sanitation Branch  at 586-8000, if the person claims to be a food and drug inspector please call the DOH Food and Drug Branch at 586-4725.

PHONE NUMBERS for Neighbor Islands

  • Hilo District Health Office 933-0917
  • Kona District Health Office 322-1507
  • Kaua‘i District Health Office 241-3323
  • Maui District Health 984-8230

Janice Okubo submitted this for the Department of Health




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