Celebrating King Kamehameha Day

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BY KRISTINE HARRISON – If you and your family are enjoying your tropical vacation here in Hawaii, or you are a resident, there is a very good chance that you will see, or even meet, an actual descendant of King Kamehameha the Great.

Two centuries after he boldly united the Hawaiian Islands, according to recorded history his descendants have become quite numerous, and have now spread throughout the population here in Hawaii and elsewhere.

A Family Forest® kinship report, see question ten, of King Kamehameha I lists many of them, and it is available here for free.

In honor of the official State Holiday, for King Kamehameha Day 2011 we will give away a free National Treasure download to the first ten of King Kamehameha’s descendants from the kinship report who email us.

The Family Forest® National Treasure Edition is, among many other landmark claims, the best digital central source for generation-by-generation ancestral pathways leading to and from Hawaii.

Kristine Harrison is with Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc. and is Co-Founder of the Family Forest® Project. See more at https://www.familyforest.com

