Shimabukuro, Oshiro: Worst legislative attendance records

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Hawaii voters elect their legislators to represent them at the state capitol, but are they showing up to work?

The House and Senate have just released their attendance records for the 2013 legislative session.

In the Senate, the worst attendance record goes to Senate Judiciary Vice Chair Maile Shimabukuro, a Democrat from Waianae, who missed 10 days of the 60 day session.

Senator Gilbert Keith-Agaran, a Democrat from Maui, missed five days of the session, while Senate Majority leader Brickwood Galuteria and Senators Brian Taniguchi, Malama Solomon and Ron Kouchi missed four days each.

Senators with a perfect attendance record include: Senators Roz Baker, Will Espero, Mike Gabbard, Clayton Hee, Russell Ruderman and Senate Minority Leader Sam Slom.

In the House, Rep. Marcus Ohiro had the worst attendance record, missing 10 days.

Rep. Sharon Har and Rep. Roy Takumi missed 7 days each; Rep. Roma Cachola and Rep. Angus McKelvey were absent 6 days of the session; and Reps. Bob McDermott and K. Mark Takai each were absent 5 days.

There were 20 legislators with perfect attendance records in the 51-member body including House Majority Leader Scott Saiki and House Minority Leader Aaron Ling Johanson.

Others with perfect attendance records in the House include:

Reps. Henry Aquino, Karen Awana, Tom Brower, Lauren Cheape, Issac Choi, Ty Cullen, Cindy Evans, Linda Ichiyama, Jo Jordan, Chris Lee, Nicole Lowen, Sylvia Luke, Dee Morikawa, Scott Nishimoto, Takashi Ohno, Richard Onishu, Gregg Takayama, Jimmy Tokioka, and Ryan Yamane.

The House also notes all tardy records in its report.

See the complete 2013 Senate Daily Attendance record and the 2013 House Daily Attendance record




  1. I think things are even worse in my country. How do they expect to have our support and trust when they act like this?

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