Top 10 Reasons Candidates Gave for Waiting Until the Last Day to File for Political Office in Hawaii

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”’Editor’s Note: On Tuesday, July 25, the final day for filing for office, dozens of people rushed to turn in their papers with the Hawaii Elections office so they can run for political office in 2006. Some candidates pulled nomination papers that day, rushed to get the required number of signatures and then raced back to the elections office by 4:30 p.m. to file on time. Why did they wait so long? Here are the top 10 reasons candidates gave on the final day for their procrastination.”’

*10. There was a Republican incumbent left unchallenged and the candidate drew the short straw at the Democratic Party headquarters.

*9. The candidate was waiting by her Hawaiian TeleCom phone for word from the party headquarters on whether she should run, but the headquarters couldn

