Case Accepts More Statewide Television Debates While Akaka Declines-Fifty Days Before Election, Akaka Pursues Voter Avoidance Strategy

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”’Author’s note: U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senate candidate Ed Case accepted an invitation from Hawaii television station KHON/2 to participate in a one hour debate with his opponent, Senator Daniel Akaka, to be broadcast statewide on a mutually agreed date. Case has also accepted an invitation from AARP Hawaii to participate in a one hour debate with Akaka to be broadcast live by Hawaii public television station PBS Hawaii on August 31st. Case earlier accepted two other invitations to participate in similar statewide television debates with Akaka on mutually agreed dates. One is on Hawaii television station KITV/4; and the other on a to-be-determined Hawaii television station in a debate sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Akaka has declined each and all offers under the guise of ongoing consideration, in some cases stretching over several months now. In the case of the OHA-sponsored debate, the Akaka campaign has pressured OHA to withdraw its offered sponsorship. Akaka’s refusal to debate Case or even appear jointly in community forums has been repeated in several other instances.”’

”’As examples: Honolulu/Native Hawaiian Community. Case accepted an invitation to an Oahu Council of Hawaiian Civic Clubs congressional candidate forum while Akaka declined. The event will be held on Tuesday, August 15th, 7-8:30 p.m. at the state Capitol. West Hawaii. Case accepted an invitation to a U.S. Senate debate sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce, and Kona Outdoor Circle, on any date prior to the September 23rd primary. Akaka declined, citing scheduling conflicts. The debate will be held on Monday, August 21st, 6-8 p.m., in Kailua-Kona at a place to be determined. Honolulu/Students. Case accepted and Akaka declined a joint appearance invitation from Kapi



