CAB Soldiers attend Interactive Training

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SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – Fifteen Soldiers from the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, 25th Infantry Division were educated on several types of Improvised Explosive Devices at the Mobile Counter-IED Interactive Training center on Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Aug. 13.

The class covered the history, components and materials insurgents use to construct, hide, and employ IEDs.

“This class educates Soldiers on the ‘basic bones’ of IED making,” said Maj. Gary Lyke, Electronic Warfare Officer for Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 25th Infantry Division, originally from Pensacola, Fla. “For the last few years, the MCIT has been used to train Soldiers deploying to Afghanistan, but now is being used to provide instruction on C-IED basics with additional, theater focused training provided by the unit EWOs and the Asia Pacific Counter-IED Fusion Center.”

According to the Asia-Pacific Irregular Warfare Analysis Center, the average number of monthly IED events over the past two years has increased to 107 with 70 events in June 2013.

The highest spike occurred in March 2012 with more than 150 IED events.

“The focus for Counter-IED training is going from Operation Enduring Freedom to United States Pacific Command Region,” Lyke said. “The Asian Pacific C-IED Fusion Center is highly involved with training our Soldiers and partnered units to become better prepared.”

The Soldiers went through training phases that consisted of learning what components are found in IEDs, how IEDs could be hidden in homes, and how to defend against IEDs.

The final cumulative training phase involved a convoy simulation where Soldiers practiced searching, locating, and evading IED ambushes.

“This training was great,” said Sgt. Ben Reidy, information awareness staff assistant assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 25th CAB, 25th ID, originally from Syracuse, N.Y. “The hands on portion and displays were really informative. The training made me realize the importances of standard operating procedures are mission success.”
After completing the convoy simulation, Soldiers played the part of the opposing force for the group following them. This caused the Soldiers to think like the adversary in order to be successful.

“Being able to think like the enemy made me more aware of possible hiding locations and types of IEDs that could be waiting for us,” Reidy said.
After completing this training, Soldiers will attend training more specific to the environment they will encounter.




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