Michael Vick Should Have to Support for Animal Welfare Awareness Programs

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Thank you for expressing your views about Michael Vick’s dogfighting hobbies and highlighting the disappointment of your son.

I believe your son’s disappointment says a lot about his character, and the values with which you have raised him. Any parent who guides a child to value and respect the life of animals is a hero in my book.

One of the saddest aspects of this whole situation is that Nike and the NFL did not penalize Vick financially until they began registering the public’s outrage at his acts. Essentially, when Nike and the NFL began to see the financial consequences they faced if they continued to support Vick, they started to penalize him.

It has little to do with whether or not Nike and NFL Corporate Execs find Vick’s actions morallly reprehensible–they just want to hang on to their money. If they would really like to make a statement, they should start making millions of dollars of annual donations to organizations that are dedicated to exposing and eliminating these dogfighting rings. The NFL would also earn my respect if they were to start requiring every pro player to engage in some sort of pro bono community service activity.

This may send a message to the millions of children who emulate these guys that compassion and respect are virtues.

I would love to see at least one aspect of Vick’s sentence involve him having to pay 30% of his net worth to the ASPCA, and another 30% to establish animal welfare awareness programs for children.

One of the saddest things is that there are many children who have–and will continue to–emulate the “thug” image Vick has portrayed. Owning and fighting dogs is a large part of this image, along with smoking “weed” and carrying weapons.

Unfortunately, I am afraid the worst that will come from this is a fine equal to a slap on the wrist for Vick. In a year, this will all be a distant echo in the public ear.

”’Shannon Wyatt is the Chair of the Friends of Powell County’s Pets in Powell County and a Pound Volunteer Rescue Coordinator”’

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