District Wars Over Smelly Sludge May Lead to City Council Action

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Rep. Kymberly Pine

Hawaii Kai residents have tolerated a messy stinky dredging operation in the Hawaii Kai Marina for months.

Not only is the operation a visual blight, but paddlers, fisherman, area residents and park users have had their beach access blocked and murky water to deal with.

SER Trucking, the company involved in the dredging operation, was fined in recent days for not obtaining a proper grading permit after environmental watchdog Caroll Cox exposed the company for illegally dumping tons of sludge from Hawaii Kai on the opposite side of the island on Waianae Valley Road.

Honolulu City Council Member Kymberly Marcos Pine, who represents the Waianae area, demanded on Thursday that the Hawaii Kai Community Association, which owns the marina, “remove all of the debris and return it to holding areas in Hawaii Kai.”

Waianae residents are upset that the sludge is being dumped in their community and expressed their concerns, Pine said.

Pine said she does not believe that fines are enough to stop illegal dumping.

“I will make sure that I do everything in my power, including exploring all legislative options to stop this private marina from dumping its sludge in our community and ensure that this unchecked dumping never happens again,” Pine said.

Pine said she was particularly outraged when Robert Clark, president of the Hawaii Kai Marina Community Association, told Hawaii News Now that the concerns of Waianae residents show their “total ignorance” and added “if they were aware of what that material was, they would say please let me have more of it.”

“I take great offense to Mr. Clark’s statement and demand that he apologize to the people of Waianae for his comments. The people of Waianae are smart innovative citizens who care deeply about their ‘aina,” Pine said.




  1. Ms. Pine blowing this out of proportion. She states;"… private marina from dumping its sludge in our community and ensure that this unchecked dumping never happens again,”.
    Wrong, KHON2 reports SER has been dumping on it's own property for awhile. Locals knew it, but didn't know what SER was dumping until now.
    Knowing it's Hawaii Kai's junk is like the white man dumping in Waianae.
    Excerpt; "This comes after complaints about illegal dumping by SER Trucking.
    The company has been hauling sludge from a dredging project in Hawaii Kai, and dumping it on a property in Waianae Valley Road owned by SER Trucking.The city issued the company a notice of violation for not having a grading permit on Friday…"
    Go to; https://www.khon2.com/2013/09/06/trucking-company-

    BTW, Ms. Pine know that HART's rail will also need a dumping ground? Where will that be?

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