City Joins NFL ‘Play 60’ Program to Fight Childhood Obesity

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HONOLULU, HAWAII—Mayor Peter Carlisle today announced that the City’s Department of Parks and Recreation will host the National Football League’s “Play 60” program, which seeks to prevent child obesity by encouraging kids to play outdoors for at least 60 minutes every day.

“Childhood obesity is a serious problem, but it’s one we can beat,” Carlisle said. “Let’s all get in better shape this year, and let’s have some fun doing it.”

Play 60 will be integrated into the After School and Summer Fun programs at all City parks this summer, and Honolulu has been named an Official City in Support of NFL Play 60—The NFL Movement for an Active Generation.

The Department of Parks and Recreation and NFL will bring more than 200 children from throughout Oahu to Aloha Stadium this Saturday, January 28 to participate in NFL Pro Bowl Ohana Day 2012, where they will meet NFL players and participate in other activities.




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