20 For The Next 20 – Call for Nominations from Hawaii Business Magazine

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Hawaii Business magazine invites you to help us identify Hawaii’s next generation of leaders as part of our 20 For The Next 20 issue in March 2010.

We are looking for individuals whose intelligence, energy and vision make them
people to watch over the next two decades.

Age is not a factor. We are looking for breakout people who will soon have a greater role in shaping Hawaii’s future, no matter how old or young they are now. And they could come from any field – business, politics and government, academics and education, innovation or public service.

Please visit http;//www.HawaiiBusiness.com/20 to submit your nomination today. I also invite you to use the Forward to a Friend link below to send this email to someone who might want to suggest some names for consideration. The deadline for nominations is December 30, 2009.

‘Steve Petranik is the Editor of Hawaii Business magazine’

