It’s Happened Again: Jet Lands at Wrong US Airport

This frame grab provided by KSPR-TV shows a Southwest Airlines flight that was scheduled to arrive Jan. 12, 2014, at Branson Airport in southwest Missouri instead landed at an airport 7 miles north.
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This frame grab provided by KSPR-TV shows a Southwest Airlines flight that was scheduled to arrive Jan. 12, 2014, at Branson Airport in southwest Missouri instead landed at an airport 7 miles north.

VOA News

January 13, 2014

For the second time in less than two months, a large jet has landed at the wrong airport in the United States.

A Southwest Airlines jet carrying 124 passengers and five crew members was headed Sunday night from Chicago to an airport at the small city of Branson, Missouri. But pilots landed it 11 kilometers away at another airport.

One woman on the flight said the plane had a rough landing on a runway that was about half as long as the one at the airport where the flight was supposed to land.

“Well, we had a really rough landing, we were all like moving pretty close to the seats as we were landing because the runway, I guess, is too short for the plane. And so then they just came on and said that we had landed at the wrong runway,” she said.

No one was injured in the incident, but U.S. air safety officials are investigating.

In November, the pilot of a jumbo Boeing 747 cargo jet landed it at a small airport in the midwestern state of Kansas, missing its planned destination at a military base 13 kilometers away.


