Kim Wins ILWU Congressional Endorsement

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Senate Vice President Donna Mercado Kim

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union announced today it’s endorsing State Senate President Donna Mercado Kim in her campaign for the 1st Congressional District seat.

The ILWU Local 142 is Hawaii’s largest private sector union with nearly 18,000 members.  They include longshoremen, truck drivers, heavy equipment operators, housekeepers, cashiers, X-ray technicians, salespersons and more.

“The ILWU Local 142 is supporting Donna Mercado Kim for Representative from the 1st Congressional District. Donna was born and raised in Hawaii, in a working class neighborhood—and shares many of the life experiences and values of working people throughout the state. Donna knows that government should do good for our communities, and the ILWU believes that she will work hard, make the right decisions, and be accountable to her constituency,” said Donna Domingo, ILWU Local 142 President.

Sen. Kim is proud to receive this support for her campaign to represent Hawaii in Washington D.C.

“I am grateful and humbled by this endorsement from the ILWU , which consists of so many hard working men and women in major industries such as agriculture, longshore, tourism, health and retail on all islands,” said Kim.

Kim has also won the backing of the IBEW Local 2360, which represents 3,000 members.

The state senator will officially accept the endorsement at the ILWU headquarters at 451 Atkinson Drive Thursday, March 20th at 10:30am.




  1. Go Donna!
    P.S. She's the President of the Senate not the Vice President… Photo caption error.

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