Legislation Would Hurt Hawai‘i’s Cultural Heritage

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Sierra Club photoDevelopment often threatens the last remaining vestiges of our cultural heritage.

Fortunately, Hawai‘i’s historic preservation law protects significant cultural resources.

Often times amazing archaeological sites can be found in areas of spectacular natural beauty.

The walls at Lapakahi State Park allow you to imagine what old Hawai‘i must have been like.

Many archaeological sites throughout the state have not yet been discovered and deserve – at the very least – study and possibly preservation.

Unfortunately, development opportunists are pushing to gut our historic preservation law.

Senate Bill 2633 House Draft 1 and House Bill 1678 Senate Draft 1 radically amend the definition of “historic property.”

The effect of these bills will be to allow developers to evade their current responsibilities – and many historic sites will be destroyed.

Please, call your Senator and Representative today and ask them to oppose these bills. You can find the phone numbers of all Legislators here, or you can send an email to them by emailing both reps@capitol.hawaii.gov and sens@capitol.hawaii.gov

Please tell them:

SB 2633 and HB 1678 were radically changed at the last minute to exempt burial sites, trails, and heiau from Hawai‘i’s historic preservation law;

The public were denied the opportunity to testify on these changes; and

These bills undermine our ability to preserve our cultural heritage.

Submitted by the Sierra Club of Honolulu

