Harold K.L. Castle Foundation Awards $1.3 Million Education Grant

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College graduatesKAILUA — The Harold K.L. Castle Foundation’s board of directors has approved a $1,327,387 grant to Hawaii P20, a statewide partnership between the Executive Office of Early Learning, Department of Education and University of Hawaii System that works to strengthen the education pipeline from early childhood through higher education so that all students achieve college and career success. The grant will increase college access and success of low-income and first-generation college attendees. That grant is among five grants totaling nearly $2 million that the board approved at its June meeting.

“We are proud to support programs whose projects and values align with the Foundation’s core education and community goals,” said Terry George, Harold K.L. Castle Foundation president and CEO. “Hawaii needs to get more students to and through college, because nearly all well-paying jobs require a college degree. This grant to Hawaii P20 will build partnerships that encourage college readiness and develop best practices for dual enrollment.”

The grant will help meet Hawaii P20’s goal of 55 percent of Hawaii’s working-age adults receiving a postsecondary degree by 2025 in two ways. First, the grant provides core support for the 55 by 25 public media campaign. Second, Hawaii P20 will launch the Early College Initiative, working with up to seven competitively selected high school/community college partnerships over three years so that more high school students graduate high school already holding at least six college credits. As part of the grant, Hawaii P20 will also develop a stronger statewide framework for this dual credit approach.

Marine Conservation
George said the board of directors also approved three marine conservation grants, totaling $535,000, that will support the Foundation’s mission to improve ocean governance and management through a community-based approach to ensure healthier, resilient and sustainable nearshore marine ecosystems. They include:

·       The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii — $400,000, to be used over one year, will build state and local marine resource management (including Kiholo fishpond restoration, community water quality monitoring and protocol development, training and support) in at least 15 coastal communities and will measure the effectiveness of the communities’ conservation efforts.

·       Tri-Isle Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc. — $80,000, to be used over one year, will improve West Maui’s marine ecosystem health by reducing land-based pollution, increasing awareness among decision makers, community and property managers, and evaluating effectiveness.

·       Hawaii Seafood Council — $55,000, to be used over one year to develop seven training modules, will give greater substance to the free tours of the fish auction at Pier 38 provided by Hawaii Seafood Council to nearly every high school, college and graduate-level class on Oahu having anything to do with fisheries and marine biology.
Windward Community Building

George said the board approved a $120,000 Windward Oahu community-building grant that will support the Foundation’s strategy of building social, human and natural capital from Kahuku to Waimanalo by inspiring at-risk students to become future community leaders.

The grant to the Hui Malama O Ke Kai Foundation (HMKF) — one of Windward Oahu’s strongest community-based youth-serving organizations — will be used to help selected youth enroll in college by offering HMKF internships. Additional funds will support an environmental assessment of HMKF’s 11-acre Waimanalo property leased from the state, which could be used for a wide variety of activities that build a sense of hope, belonging and service among the area’s youth.

For more information on the Foundation’s grant giving, visit www.castlefoundation.org.

The Harold K.L. Castle Foundation, the largest private foundation headquartered in Hawaii, is committed to closing the achievement and preparation gaps in public education so that all Hawaii’s children have access to high-quality pre-K-12 education that prepares them for success in college, career and citizenship. Its grants also focus on restoring nearshore marine ecosystems and strengthening Windward Oahu communities.

