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The Grassroot Institute of Hawaii is proud to announce the release of the sixth edition of our “In Pursuit” research series. The “In Pursuit” series  is a series of monthly reports hybridizing research and editorial opinion designed to delve deeper into issues where Hawaii and national interest intersect. Nothing in this document should be construed as an attempt to aid or hinder the passage of any legislation before any legislative body.

This month’s report tackles the controversial “gut & replace” tactic used by legislators to pass pet projects that have little to nothing to do with the original legislation. A more thorough definition of “gut and replace” is provided by the author of this report, Malia Hill.

“Gut and replace” refers to the practice of removing the contents of one bill and replacing it with the language of another legislative proposal, so that all that remains of the original bill is the title, the number, and the fact that it is still technically alive enough to be able to move forward.

In Pursuit #6- Gutted

The complete collection of our In Pursuit series can be found here.

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