Lingle Wraps Up U.S. Chamber Endorsement Tour

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Linda Lingle announces candidacy for U.S. Senate (Photo by Dave Livingston)

REPORT FROM LINGE US SENATE CAMPAIGN – Linda Lingle, candidate for Hawaii’s open U.S. Senate seat, was formally endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce last week at events on Maui, Kauai and the Big Island.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest association of small, mid-sized and large businesses, representing more than 3 million job creators across the nation. Supporters and members of the media attended the events, hosted by local small business owners.

“I am honored to have the U.S. Chamber’s confidence and endorsement. The current state of our economy has left many small businesses in our state and across the country struggling to keep their doors open, and provide for their families. Hawaii’s businesses – as well as all the people of Hawaii – have my personal commitment that I will work to grow the private sector and expand opportunities for small businesses to thrive, because they are the foundation that provides jobs for our community,” Lingle said.


One of the U.S. Chamber board members, Darlene Miller, CEO of Permac Industries in Minnesota, represented the U.S. Chamber throughout the statewide tour. Miller was previously named “Small Business Person of the Year,” and her business, Permac Industries, has been named a “Top 25 Woman-Owned Business” and “Small Business of the Year” by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“Since her time serving on the Maui County Council, to Mayor of Maui, Governor Lingle has remained a steadfast supporter of Hawaii’s local economy. Because Hawaii small businesses face many of the same challenges as small businesses nationwide, the Chamber is confident that Governor Lingle will remain committed to the people if elected as Hawaii’s next U.S. Senator. Personally, I also commend her for being a role model to young women who aspire to achieve great things,” Miller said.

“Our country is in desperate need of bipartisan leadership, and Governor Lingle is the candidate with proven, executive experience, who will always put Hawaii’s ‘people first,’” Miller added.

The endorsement tour coincided with the launch of Lingle’s new campaign spot, which focuses on tourism.

“With many of Hawaii’s businesses relying on tourism as the main source of their income, I will use my experience with Asia-Pacific partners to expand tourism in the state by focusing on improving the visa process for visitors from Asia and increasing direct flights to our state. Just as those of us in Hawaii know, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recognizes that a healthy visitor industry plays an important role in our nation’s economic recovery. This is why my plan includes the creation of a standing sub-committee on tourism in the U.S. Senate,” Lingle said.

The television spot on tourism can be viewed at…and is also available on television for Oceanic Cable digital subscribers on LL12, channel 110.


