Kona Tea Party Plans Tax Day Assembly and “Meet the Candidates” Nights

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Neither the threatened tsunami (last week) nor the imminent Slaughter Rule Constitutional Crisis (this week) could stay the energetic Kona Tea Party patriots from their appointed round with destiny in Kona.

Several dozen persons attended the Kona Vistas Planning meeting that had been rescheduled due to a postponement caused by the island tsunami warning. While dozens of flags surrounded the premises, the meeting opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the honored flag that was sent to the group by a Marine in Iraq a week before he was killed.

The group’s agenda included unanimous individual commitments to sign the online petition to The Mt. Vernon Statement of 21st Century conservative beliefs, values and principles. There was unanimous approval to purchase a newspaper announcement supporting those stated conservative beliefs.

The Tea Party Group announced a March 24th, 2010, “Meet the Candidates” evening program during which the members will meet John Willoughby, candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, and Adrienne King, candidate for Hawaii Lt. Governor. John and Adrienne have agreed to host an extended Q & A session that evening.

There was a long and spirited discussion about the signature April 15th Tax Day Kona Tea Party assembly along the Queen K Highway south of the Henry Street intersection. Creative ideas for relevant signs and posters were proposed. Etiquette and highway safety issues were discussed.

The meeting concluded with an account of the unexpected primary election outcomes and polls affected by grass roots activism in Illinois, Arizona, Kentucky, Florida, Utah, Ohio, and California.

‘Donna Sweere is the Kona Tea Party co-coordinator. See more at https://konateaparty.wordpress.com/’

